How to Confirm or Decline a Booking email sent from Tourwriter

How to Confirm or Decline a Booking email sent from Tourwriter

Tourwriter customers can send booking requests via email direct to Suppliers. The Supplier can action these booking requests either by...

Exporting your supplier payments for accounting reconciliation

The Export payments function means you can export supplier payment data from an Itinerary into a CSV file ready for...

Supplier payments

Supplier payments feature allows you to manage and track the process of paying your suppliers. Once you have set up...

Itinerary payments

The itinerary Payments tab provides access to the General payments and Supplier payments sub tabs. General payments Tourwriter lets you...

Creating Supplier Services on the Itinerary Builder

When you build an itinerary in Tourwriter, creating a supplier and adding multiple products to the supplier can slow down...

When is a Product Considered an Add-on?

Understand the rules in Tourwriter that determines whether a product is listed as a 'product' or an 'add-on'

Supplier Loading Guidelines

We’ve provided guidelines below of what to load per Supplier and Product type. Before getting started, we have a few...

Supplier Pricing

Learn how to set up rates and margins for suppliers and their products when using the Tourwriter Plus plan

Creating Suppliers

Everything you need to know about setting up your suppliers in Tourwriter